
Friday, June 21st 10:30 AM & 6:00 PM

‘Chandarama manaso jaataha’ in the Vedas means ‘out of the mind of Godhead the moon was born’. The waxing and the waning of the moon has a direct effect on human minds. The full brilliance of the moon on pournami days enables the mind to flourish at its maximum potential. Worshiping the Divine Mother on this day enables humans to harness this mind power to attain fulfillment in both material and spiritual aspirations in life. Kanth Garu will perform Sri Chakra abhishekam at 10: 30 AM. The evening program at 6 PM includes Lalitha Sahasranama, Trisathi and Khadgamala pooja.

Sponsorship: $27 for morning & $27 for evening